Call for Abstracts

Participants are requested to submit abstracts to the secretariat NO LATER THAN AUGUST 20, 2022 together with registration to the conference. Abstracts will be reviewed and assigned to appropriate sessions. Authors will be notified regarding abstract acceptance. Accepted abstracts will be presented during a poster session. Abstracts selected by the Scientific Committee will be presented as short Oral Communications during the sessions.


  • Abstracts should be submitted by email to:
  • Inclusion in the scientific program and book of abstracts is dependent on registration to the meeting.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference Book of Abstracts. The abstract submitter will be required to confirm the Abstract Submitters' declaration.


  • The abstract should be as informative as possible:
    1. state specific object of abstract
    2. state method used, if pertinent
    3. summarize results obtained
    4. state conclusions reached
  • Abstract length
    1. Abstract text - limited to 250 words
    2. Abstract title - limited to 25 words in UPPER CASE
  • Standard abbreviations may be used.
  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication. If you need help, please arrange for the review of your abstract by a colleague who is a native English speaker, by a university scientific publications office (or other similar facility) or by a copy editor, prior to submission.
  • Presenting author contact information must be included:
    1. Authors’ and co-authors' details
    2. Email address
    3. Full first and family name(s)
    4. Affiliation information: department, institution/hospital, city, state (if relevant), country